Former Supt. David Cox Receiving Salary Through September
HISD Former Superintendent Receiving Monthly Salary Payments Through Sept. 30
By Neoma Williams
This reporter has learned as of Saturday, June 1, that David Cox, former Hart ISD superintendent, is being paid his monthly salary through Sept. 30. This was confirmed by the former School Board president, Erasmo Mata. Also, a business office employee also confirmed this, and when asked how she was notified of this, she said that Cox told her. This was also voted on in an April meeting, but with a different ending date of August.
Cox’s contract was to have expired in 2020, and his annual salary at the time of his resignation was $89,760. Cox provided the press the joint agreement statement between the Board and him. There is no mention of this continued salary payment in the agreement. The salary continuance was in a separate statement at the meeting.
The Business Office notes that Cox stated if he gets a job in the interim between the present and Sept. 30, he will notify the school district so payments can be stopped. []private]