Hart’s Sales Tax Rebate Up From Last Year
Hart’s sales tax rebate received in February is $4,050.16, compared to $3,837.40 for the same period last year, an increase of 5.54%. For the year, the City has received $7,326.67, compared to $6,501.91, a 12.68% increase.
Nazareth’s rebate of $3,256.86 is 0.11% down from last yea’r figure of $3,250.63. For the year, Nazareth’s rebate is $5,561.06, compared to $4,675.23.
Dimmitt’s rebate of $ 36,592.26 is down slightly from last year’s figure of $37,171.51. For the year, Dimmitt has received $62,395.58, compared to the same period last year, $66,957.32.
Castro County, for the year, has received $ 303,252.82, compared to $316,229.56 for last year.
The sales tax figures represent December sales reported by monthly tax filers as well as October, November and December sales by businesses that report tax quarterly.