Dec 9, 2017
Junior High Football Team Wins District
Back row, l to r, are Coaches Christian Brooks, Tim Ashlock and Stacy Perryman. Next row, l to r, are Antonio Rojas, manager; Aaron Guevara, Eli Hernandez, Jakoby Hall, Diego Longoria, Humberto Salas, Hugo Perez and Braden Diaz. Front row, l to r, are Ty Rhodes, manager; Draven Dominguez, Kaleb Chavez, Shawn Walker, Jaden Hall, Jaliel Green, Jonathan Mejia and Fabian Saldaña. (courtesy photo)
The Hart Shorthorns are the district champs in football for 2017; they have an 8-0 record in the Class 1A division of Region 1, District 2. Anton came in second and Nazareth was third.